This new edition was spurred on by the passage of the Modernization of Cosmetic Regulations Act of 2022 (MoCRA) just over 2 years ago, but I needed to wait until the dust settled before updating the book.
The dust has settled.
Nearly all of the requirements under MoCRA are in place ... and are, of course, covered in the book.
In it, you'll find:
Required safety substantiation
Serious adverse event requirements
Professional product labeling
Fragrance allergen reporting
Facility registrationProduct listing
Good manufacturing practices
Small business exemption
Also since the last edition, there have been laws passed in Washington State and California that affect any cosmetic products sold to residents of that state (even if you are located somewhere else). Those are covered in the book.
The Federal government hasn't been idle either. We've seen new or updated laws and regulations for all businesses, which are having an impact on soap and cosmetic makers.
Want to claim your product is Made in the USA or even that it's made in your state? New regs were passed in 2021.
Using testimonials, or publishing reviews of your products? New regs were passed in 2024.
Of course, all of the label requirements are covered in detail ... along with about 50 additional pictures, diagrams and examples!
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7" x 10" - 250 pages. Updated March 2025.
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